Friday, April 23, 2010

Learning theory versus Connectivisim

In the knowledge economy we live in, functioning with just learning theory seems very linear and limiting now after listening to all the talks about learning styles and personalities(Felder) , Multiple Intelligences (Gardner & Goleman) and reading about Connectivism (Siemens) as an alternative. The digital age will require more than behavioral, cognitive and constructivism theories to define learning.They each have their place though. In the classroom, there is a time that different learning theories work however, with the knowledge economy connectivism helps to make sense of chaos,inter-relate networks and self organise. Connectivism allows for development in multiple intelligence,different learning styles and personalities. In our modern society,it is all about inclusion, managing diversity and inter-disciplinary connections.The statement by Siemens, 2004,that "The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe and that our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today" best summarizes the what is required to equip learners to be lifetime learners. The ability to be 'processors' able to analyse chaos to know that underneath it all, there is a pattern that can be unveiled and that there is no such thing as impossible or can't. It is making meaning that is essential.

Depending on my lessons,l would use what is relevant at the time.For example, presenting a lesson from context to concept, it would to involve the learning theory and connectivism as assess to digital media is integrated. Different theories provide ideas of what influences the process of learning in just one lesson. They also create an awareness of what is evolving in the world around us (both teachers and students) and how we can continue to learn, teach and achieve good outcomes.'Hopefully see the light'.

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