Thursday, April 29, 2010


Creating a blog and actually posting extra resources for students to study gives the slow learners a chance to catch up if they are behind.I have come to realise the lessons are actually very short. Also for the curious ones, posting useful websites on the blog for them to be able to navigate and hopefully, in the process learn.The blog, puts the responsibility to learn on the students.I think it also allows for student-centred learning with no limitations of time and place.The student can study in a place where they feel comfortable and this means learning outcomes can be achieved.(Marzano,1997)
It also gives the teacher an opportunity to provide feedback as soon as the assessment is complete.


  1. After being in a classroom, I am wondering how much of an effect the fast learners or even the students that are quick to pick things up, have on the slower learners. I think it would be very intimidating to hear all the time, how quickly others have finished when your struggling to even grasp the concept. I think there is much to be said for letting the students work at their own pace.

  2. I agree Susan.Yes we are all different yet the expectations are standardised
