Friday, April 30, 2010

Action Plan

Action Plan for Assessment item 3(Teaching e.Portfolio)
Target Year Level: Year 8
Subject areas to be covered: Science (Biology and Chemistry), Society and environment with aspects of Literacy and Numeracy, and ICT
Learning outcomes to be achieved:
Students will gain knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of biodiversity through the process of investigation, collection, analysis and evaluation of data collected. Furthermore, explore ways to support and conserve biodiversity at home/school, create a photo story and apply their knowledge using a student preferred/chosen presentation.
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
• In groups create a Wiki, You tube clip, short film clip or a PowerPoint presentation
• Students develop skills on how to use Wiki, YouTube and PowerPoint correctly
• Understand the importance of biodiversity
• Understand the objectives of the International Year of Biodiversity 2010
• Understand the benefits of biodiversity
• Identify and classify endangered animals
• Use a variety of sources to find/collect information, such as the internet and library books.
• Understand how to make short films
• Analyse and make conclusions using graphs on the computer
• Students understand individual, group and community actions towards biodiversity management and preservation
Conceptual Pedagogical Framework on which the design is based:
Authentic learning design involving Relate-Create-Donate methodology (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999)
Relate: Students in groups of three collect data around and within the school to rate the school environment’s biodiversity
Create: Students as a group are to create a Wiki, YouTube clip or a PowerPoint presentation
Donate: Students are to present their explorations, evaluations to the rest of the class, on CD to the rest of the school or post it onto the intranet/internet were it is available for public viewing
Length of learning experience:
Unit will take 1 term approximately 10 Weeks around 15 hours

Target Student Learning Journey (LMQ5)
1. Students are exposed to a short video that goes through the state of biodiversity in the world and specifically Australia, also the value of preserving biodiversity
2. Students then in groups of three research on biodiversity at school and collect data
3. Students then negotiate on how many activities they will need to complete to achieve an outcome.
4. Students then work together to research, collect and analyse the data. They can use a wiki to bring all their ideas together if they wish to.
5. Students then work together to create their presentation in the format of their choosing.
Details of the authentic product to be produced by the student groups:
The students are to create an electronic presentation in the form of a YouTube clip, Short film, ‘Species of the day’ photo story about a threatened Australian animal and PowerPoint presentation. This is designed to be an informative presentation on biodiversity. The presentation should include definition and benefits of biodiversity, identification and classification of some endangered animals and methods of preserving biodiversity that students and the school community could use to protect and preserve biodiversity.
The learning design is targeted to specific curriculum goals and caters for a high level of learner diversity that includes students who speak English as Second Language (ESL learners); Special needs (Autistic and Speech difficulties).

1 comment:

  1. Saida, this is impressive. You have covered so much. My areas are Music and English and my Action Plan takes on the marketing for an existing local arts festival. I'd like to include an enviro aspect as well. Any ideas for me? cheers Amanda OB.
