Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Digital pedagogies in or out ?

Optional? You must be joking. I think it is in definitely, for sure .Does it work yes it does this time I am talking from experience.
As a pre-service teacher I thought the use of Information Communication Technologies was going to be a breeze as I enjoy the adventures of and on a computer,but it has been far from what I imagined. I can't believe how I have struggled to complete even the "minutest" of tasks on blogger,flicker and I am sorry to finally admit Mahara.The worst was just trying to log on,it took me up to one hour just trying to log on. Appalling and ridiculous! I am a woman but obviously I can multitask but not 'multi-remember' several user names and passwords from all the stuff I have learned. I wish as I write I can tell you I remember the password to my mahara address but I don't. I stumbled onto the page with my password on already,thank God! I was really excited when I started but now I am just taking the steps with no emotional attachments, just open to learning.My objective now is to learn.How do this ICTs work ,how can I implement it in the classroom? Flicker,Mahara, blogs(new one for me at least) piknik? Because I have been to the classroom and gee! do I need ICTs.The only time I think I was able to fully engage my students was in an activity that they had to watch a video clip.After that experience it is no laughing matter,ICTs are on for me all the way. JOKES ASIDE!!!!

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