Saturday, March 20, 2010

Teacher centric or student-centered?

My experience at school was mainly teacher-centered:-teacher wrote on the board, we copied,asked questions sometimes but mostly waited until a week to exams; when we studied and crammed like there was no tomorrow;sat for the exam hopefully passed then moved up to the next class or redid that year if any of us students flopped. I did try a different study pattern one term where I studied everyday,was attentive in class, asked questions and my performance skyrocketed.I think the traditional methods were really dependent on the student taking the initiative to further read more on the subject and attain understanding that way.
I could only think of literature as being to some degree student-centered,because we had to read a book(Romeo and Juliet)individually,in pairs and sometimes as part of a class activity then of course we had to critically analyse, synthesise and exchange views. We were actually allowed to give an opinion and so long as we could support it;it was accepted. Interesting classes they were!

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