Monday, March 29, 2010

Lynch's 8LMQ's approach in contrast to my own education

In contracts to Lynch's 8LMQ's approach my own education was mostly teacher-centric.Starting with the assumptions that at a certain level I was knowledgeable to some extent. For example, in grade 6, the teacher at this level made the assumption that I had the knowledge expected at that level and therefore would continue to teach grade 6 material. There was no test or inquiries to check as suggested by Lynch in Q 1( What does my learner already know?). Also as in comparison to Q3 and Q5 many learning options were not considered.Once again 'the book' was the only way to go. Read the textbook understand (sometimes)but mostly recall, because it was not about understanding but about recall to pass a test. Learning was mainly around reading,writing and listening to teacher. Unlike what happens now.Check out this video.

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