Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mode 1 and Mode 2 Knowledge?? So what !

Why compare this 2 modes of Knowledge? I think it is to find out where we are at this point in time. 21st century
We live in a knowledge-based economy and that's not all; as Smith et al,2003 p.24 observe that there are other ' incremental shifts in human behaviour and social organisation that create social change'(Florida 2000) which then cause us to consider change in the learning environment or education.Why?Because one cannot keep new wine in an old wineskin.A new up-dated part will not work effectively or even fit for that matter in an old car?As a result of the several factors there is a movement from disciplinary to a more heterogeneous knowledge production to keep up with the changes.Consequently, there is a focus on knowledge processes, self -managed learning experiences and students autonomy over what,how and why learning takes place.(student-centered learning I think)So what role do learner managers play?
I agree with Smith et al,2003, idea of 'development of learner managers who are able to generate a generic management of learning in education and training sites'.Fletcher,2001,p.413 also suggests learner managers who are wroughting and writhing- meaning creating and making of things respectively which he describes as designing of pedagogical strategies that advertise the learner manager as being able to perform, judged by the criteria of learner outcomes. Sounds to me like poor teaching strategies poor results. We definitely don't want that,do we?

Smith's definition of learning management as the capacity to design pedagogical strategies that ensure learning outcomes in students or other kinds of clients leads me to my goal at the end of this course:hopefully by the end of this course I should be capable to design pedagogical strategies that ensure learner outcomes in all kinds of clients in my journey as a learner manager. In case of days that the strategies I choose backfire; stop- ponder for a few minutes,learn from the experience then go on.
Design pedagogical strategies? Student-centered or teacher centric? Why not teacher centric?
To be continued.................

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