Monday, March 29, 2010

Lynch's 8LMQ's approach in contrast to my own education

In contracts to Lynch's 8LMQ's approach my own education was mostly teacher-centric.Starting with the assumptions that at a certain level I was knowledgeable to some extent. For example, in grade 6, the teacher at this level made the assumption that I had the knowledge expected at that level and therefore would continue to teach grade 6 material. There was no test or inquiries to check as suggested by Lynch in Q 1( What does my learner already know?). Also as in comparison to Q3 and Q5 many learning options were not considered.Once again 'the book' was the only way to go. Read the textbook understand (sometimes)but mostly recall, because it was not about understanding but about recall to pass a test. Learning was mainly around reading,writing and listening to teacher. Unlike what happens now.Check out this video.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

8 LMQs

Get a Voki now!

Learning management is where the learning manager uses effective pedagogical strategies to achieve students learner outcomes in the classroom or learning site.
For the learner manager the the process requires a series of questions known as the 8LMQs which constitute the learning design. These questions are asked continuously in a cyclic fashion throughout the learning process.
In the modern world with the knowledge economy, continuous social and cultural changes learning management acknowledges that there is a new world and with new and challenging requirements.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Teacher centric or student-centered?

My experience at school was mainly teacher-centered:-teacher wrote on the board, we copied,asked questions sometimes but mostly waited until a week to exams; when we studied and crammed like there was no tomorrow;sat for the exam hopefully passed then moved up to the next class or redid that year if any of us students flopped. I did try a different study pattern one term where I studied everyday,was attentive in class, asked questions and my performance skyrocketed.I think the traditional methods were really dependent on the student taking the initiative to further read more on the subject and attain understanding that way.
I could only think of literature as being to some degree student-centered,because we had to read a book(Romeo and Juliet)individually,in pairs and sometimes as part of a class activity then of course we had to critically analyse, synthesise and exchange views. We were actually allowed to give an opinion and so long as we could support it;it was accepted. Interesting classes they were!

Mode 1 and Mode 2 Knowledge?? So what !

Why compare this 2 modes of Knowledge? I think it is to find out where we are at this point in time. 21st century
We live in a knowledge-based economy and that's not all; as Smith et al,2003 p.24 observe that there are other ' incremental shifts in human behaviour and social organisation that create social change'(Florida 2000) which then cause us to consider change in the learning environment or education.Why?Because one cannot keep new wine in an old wineskin.A new up-dated part will not work effectively or even fit for that matter in an old car?As a result of the several factors there is a movement from disciplinary to a more heterogeneous knowledge production to keep up with the changes.Consequently, there is a focus on knowledge processes, self -managed learning experiences and students autonomy over what,how and why learning takes place.(student-centered learning I think)So what role do learner managers play?
I agree with Smith et al,2003, idea of 'development of learner managers who are able to generate a generic management of learning in education and training sites'.Fletcher,2001,p.413 also suggests learner managers who are wroughting and writhing- meaning creating and making of things respectively which he describes as designing of pedagogical strategies that advertise the learner manager as being able to perform, judged by the criteria of learner outcomes. Sounds to me like poor teaching strategies poor results. We definitely don't want that,do we?

Smith's definition of learning management as the capacity to design pedagogical strategies that ensure learning outcomes in students or other kinds of clients leads me to my goal at the end of this course:hopefully by the end of this course I should be capable to design pedagogical strategies that ensure learner outcomes in all kinds of clients in my journey as a learner manager. In case of days that the strategies I choose backfire; stop- ponder for a few minutes,learn from the experience then go on.
Design pedagogical strategies? Student-centered or teacher centric? Why not teacher centric?
To be continued.................

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Differences between Mode 1 and Mode 2 Knowledge

Mode 1 Knowledge
  • Discipline-based
  • Has a distinction between fundamental and applied production
  • By individuals
  • Quality control/peer review
  • Local
  • Market acceptability
  • Traditional notions of objectivity of knowledge
Mode 2 Knowledge
  • Trans disciplinary
  • Produced in context of application
  • Production in diverse sites
  • Production in teams
  • Social accountability
  • Global
  • Truth in consensus amongst informed professionals
Knowledge economy is trans disciplinary therefore as learning managers communicative competence is vital in managing diversity so as to achieve learner outcomes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Knowledge Economy

Knowledge economy according to Drucker, P , "is a term that refers either to an economy of knowledge focused on the production and management of knowledge in the frame of economic constraints, or to a knowledge-based economy."The result of knowledge technologies is economic and leads to job creation.
It is further argued that in the knowledge economy, expertise and know-how are both critical and that in the Knowledge economy; knowledge is the product and in the knowledge-based; economy Knowledge is the tool. These are both described as interdisciplinary based on a concept that knowledge and education (human capital) can be treated either as a business product or a productive asset. This concept is further defined in the Wikipedia article as:

" The concept that supports creation of knowledge by organizational employees and helps and encourages them to transfer and better utilize their knowledge that is in line with company/organization goals "

This is a feature that I think most successful companies have adopted and motivate their employees through different kinds of incentives such as good salary packages,holiday offers achieve goals set by the companies. In some cases organizations approach the public requesting them for useful information-knowledge that would lead to better production which results in a company achieving their goals.

The driving force in a knowledge economy is mainly globalization and information technology. According to Houghton & Sheehan,p.2(2000) "the increase in knowledge intensity has been driven by sharp falls in the cost of computing and communications per unit of performance and by rapid development of applications relevant to the needs of the users." I totally agree with these statement in that my education to date resembles the 'modern way of doing things', based around the skills required for the 21st century though not advanced. The availability of electronic gadgets such as computers,mobile phones for example has made knowledge accessible to all- both to the 'contributor' and 'receivers'. Globalization has led to deregulation allowing the consumer to shop anywhere in the world just by a 'click of the mouse'. The accessibility and availability means there is no stopping the information age that is rapidly becoming a knowledge economy.


Knowledge Economy;

A Primer on the Knowledge Economy, Houghton & Sheehan, Victoria University, 2000.